Workshops, cohorts, and retreats
designed for you and your community

Over the past 20+ years we have created hundreds of learning experiences designed to help communities, teams, and churches lean into their God-given dreams and overcome the obstacles that stand in their way. We focus on the hopes and challenges that people and communities typically face as they step across the thresholds in their lives. We listen to you and together we will shape a learning experience uniquely designed for your group and your context. All we ask is that you gather a group of 12 to 20 people (or more) who have a shared interest, and we will facilitate a creative, meaningful, and deeply formative experience.

Here are just some of the workshops, cohorts, and retreats we facilitate:

Focusing on the formation of INDIVIDUALS:

  • Cultivating self-awareness and personal relationships via the Enneagram
  • Gaining clarity on who you are, what you value, what you’re good at, and our God-given desires
  • Reimagining faith in the midst of deconstruction
  • Being present and supportive of your adult children who are undergoing deconstruction
  • Letting go of the structures and relationships that are holding you back and exploring new opportunities

Cultivating COMMUNITY:

  • Learn to create communities of faith in your neighborhood
  • Move from pseudo community to deep community
  • Transforming conflict into growth
  • Embracing a theology and practice of place and placemaking
  • Extending a radical invitation and generous hospitality

LEADING with grace and wisdom:

  • Discover your leadership style and form wholistic teams
  • Decision-making for teams and communities
  • Communal discernment for teams and communities facing big decisions

If you would like to hear more about any of these offerings or simply begin a conversation about your situation and what might be most helpful for your group or community, please use the form below and Rob Yackley, Thresholds’ founder and director, will connect with you to help you discern the best way forward for your group.

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